
Obstetric & Gynaecology

The department of Obstetrics & is working as 3 units with daily OP & OT on an alternative basis. The total number of beds are 260 which includes both the general wards and pay wards.

The department has a well equipped labour room which looks after all normal labour cases and an intensive section which tackles all high risk pregnancies and complicated cases. We accept references from all the surrounding hospitals through out the day on a 24 hour basis. We have provisions for continuous electronic fetal monitoring, ultra sound, hand Doppler etc.

The large Gynaec section that tackle all major Gynaec surgeries including gynaec onco surgeries, gynaec plastic, gynaec micro surgery including tubal recanalisation, surgeries for all types of urinary and fecal incontinence, abdominal / vaginal laparoscopic hysterectomies, etc. Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic surgeries are also being done daily.

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